Being Embodied
Christine Fiorentino


Private Sessions With Christine
How You Will Benefit:

  • Gain a deeper self-understanding
  • Free yourself of unhealthy patterns
  • Let go of judgment and self-doubt
  • Learn how to turn towards feelings and discover hidden capacities
  • Cultivate compassion/embrace your humanity
  • Grow and transform into the most real and true version of yourself
  • Live your innate potential through integration and embodiment 
  • Discover the joy, creativity and courage that is natural to your heart
  • Engage with life in a balanced, authentic way
  • Open to intimacy

Free 30 min Consultation

To schedule send an email to
christine [at] being-embodied [dot] com

Personal Inner work


There are many events and influences in our lives that mold and shape who we are, how we meet the world and how we relate to others. Our parents have the strongest impact on how we grow and develop but there are many other elements that have a lasting effect on our way of being. We learn who we are through all of our experiences which include the supportive, healthy foundations as well as the difficult or traumatic moments.

We naturally grow and mature throughout our lives but there are certain areas where we may feel stuck in familiar patterns because we are unaware of our potential to stretch and expand beyond our limiting self definitions. The possibility for all humans is to transcend narrow ideas and beliefs that we have collected along the way. To live a spontaneous and creative life with full access to our hearts responsive and naturally compassionate presence is our birthright. To do this we must address the limiting factors which are mostly unconscious.

Through exploration based in a foundation of kindness we can discover where we are holding back our expansive growth and turn toward places within that have felt too risky to expose. Tapping into our own resources of courage, compassion and curiosity in order to make contact with what has been avoided and ignored reveals the natural goodness that lies at the core of our being.

This is the pure work of healing where we open, expand and develop our true living expression. Our deep, pure nature is what is real about us and when we know ourselves to be this nature we discover that everything we have ever yearned for lives in the center of our soul. 

Christine brings compassionate presence to each session along with a deep reverence for each person’s unique journey. She feels it is a blessing and a privilege to be with someone who is willing to be vulnerable and open and to share the sensitive elements of their lives. Christine values healing and growth and hopes to facilitate these in the lives of each person she meets.

“Christine, the level of support I received from our exploration together yesterday is so sincere. It was more than I imagined and was just what I needed and wished for. Thank you. From my heart to yours.”  Corrine Basanez

“Christine is a skillful and compassionate therapeutic guide.  She creates a sacred safe space for me to explore a deeper connection to my emotions and my inner soul, using embodied exploration.  Every session is a mysterious journey of rediscovering my true self which I am most grateful for.”