Being Embodied
Christine Fiorentino


What you will gain by joining a Women’s Embodiment Group:


  • Connect with like-minded community
  • Develop deeply satisfying friendships
  • Build trust and relax into a safe, confidential container
  • Open to your human vulnerability, discover strength
  • Move beyond reactivity and superficial experience
  • Experience unity, commonality and connection
  • Cultivate courage, curiosity and compassion for self and others
  • Feel seen and heard without judgment or advice
  • Gain a broad view of  what it means to be authentic
  • Discover capacities and tolerance for uncomfortable issues
  • Embody your true self


When I first had the idea for a Women’s Group I was certain that I wanted a place for women to connect with each other in the deepest way possible. I wanted to offer a place where women could come together first and foremost as humans, humans who have a commonality in the desire for growth, transformation and self-realization. Humans who want to know what is really true and real about life experience and want to reclaim their nature. Humans who want to know what it is to love and to relate with purity and open-heartedness. I wanted to share my knowledge of how to open up our life experiences and explore them with skill in order to understand how and why we are the way we are.


The Women’s Groups focus on honest and open self exploration. To practice we tap into natural qualities that support us, palpable qualities available to every human being because they are part of our natural expression.  These qualities, such as courage, compassion, curiosity, intelligence, wisdom, are encouraged by bringing them forward so we can discover them as resources that are always available.  By exploring the limitations and blocked perceptions that we have accumulated along our life journey the innate qualities of our potential become more accessible. Through gentle, compassionate exploration our defenses, habitual behaviors and stuck places begin to relax. We become more naturally and confidently our true self.


Movement and meditation begin the meeting and then there is a theme presented to be explored.  Small groups are formed in order to discuss and open up the theme in personal ways. At the end there is sharing and discussion.


Twice a month. One meeting is 3 hours and the other is an hour and a half. 
There is a yearlong commitment and there are no meetings during the summer months (June, July, August).

The monthly rate is $70, there is a sliding scale and scholarship/work trade available.

(The days/times will vary depending on the group that forms and the availability of members but most likely the 3 hour meeting will be on a weekend and the shorter meeting will be on a week night.)

Here’s how to get involved or to find out more:

christine [at] being-embodied [dot] com

Christine I am so blown away and grateful for the work that you do and the space that you hold. I am so grateful that I came upon your amazing yoga class so many years ago now, and that I have been able to show up to your offerings….I really hope that you continue holding space like this….

 “I love learning more about these natural aspects of our humanity and love the way you explain and transmit them.”

 “The group has been most insightful for me and I’ve learned a tremendous amount. The most important for me, since I’ve spent decade rushing through life, was the session in which we established an intention for ourselves. Daily I remind myself to be more present, take a breath and listen.”

“I love this group and this work. I know for sure that I am interested in continuing. This is the kind of work I want in my life on a perpetual basis…like, ongoing… just count me in!”